February 23, 2008

Volunteerism in Islaam: New Initiatives

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


New Initiatives in Volunteer Management:

Attracting, Developing, Motivating and Retaining Volunteers

Assalaamu alaikum.

This article covers:

(a) Misconceptions about volunteerism amongst Muslims

(b) How volunteers should conduct themselves

(c) Causes of volunteer frustration and their solutions

(d) How should Islamic institutions manage:
(i) Their entire volunteer interface
(ii) The mobilization and utilization of volunteers
(iii) New Initiatives in Managing Volunteers, i.e. application of principles and best practices of human resource management to volunteer management, and
(iv) Attracting, retaining, developing and motivating volunteers.

Write to me and I shall InshaAllah send you this article.

Obaidullah NewJoy


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