February 23, 2008

A poser: "What is the Message of Islam?"

How to Give Shahadah in 10 minutes

Assalaamu alaikum.

Imagine this situation:

You are in a train journey from Delhi to Chandigarh, or from Chennai to Coimbatore (all in India – you may replace these with locally relevant rail stations or cities). Out of genuine curiosity, some friendly non-Muslim co-passengers ask you to explain to them, in simple words, the meaning and message of Islam. Visualize this happening to you.

What would you say first? What would you say next? What would be your reply? Take a few minutes to think this over. Form your reply in your mind.

What would be your answers if they ask you further:

(1) What is so unique about the message and teachings of Islam that you choose Islam as your faith, and not any other faith?

(2) All religions teach good things. Is there anything that Islam teaches, that is not taught by other religions?

(3) Why did God create us?

(4) What does He expect of us?

(5) How has He communicated His expectations to us? Where is this communication?

(6) What are the basic themes and teachings of the Qur'an?

So, dear readers, what is your response to the question, “what is the meaning and message of Islam”? Do write down your response on a sheet of paper. Check your complete reply, which you will now frame in your mind, with what is presented subsequently.

In the last couple of years, we posed this basic question during selection interviews to Muslims who sought employment with an Islamic institution in Mumbai, India. Most of the applicants / candidates could not say, even in simple words, what they believed in or what their religious beliefs were. This was so even though they were Muslims and were born and brought up in Muslim families. Their replies were incoherent. They said that they had not been posed this question before. Most admitted that they could not say anything beyond the sketchy information that they remembered from what their parents or 'maulanaas' had taught them in earlier days.

Please pose this question and this role-play situation to your family members, relatives and friends. Ask them to explain to you, in simple words, the meaning and message of Islam. What are the different replies that you get? Keep this role-play situation and questions handy with you for easy reference and preparation.

Da'wah to non-Muslims is important and we have to be ready for any opportunity that may arise at any time. Dawah Training Programmes should also train their participants for this reply. There exists a need to stress on the conceptual clarity required about this basic and fundamental issue. Are you ready, dear readers, with your ‘Elevator Pitch’ on this issue? (Elevator Pitch is that which you can convey in the most effective, concise and yet comprehensive manner in about three to five minutes).

This is more important than getting into the FAQs of “why are pork & intoxicants/alochol prohibited?” and “why is polygamy permitted in Islam?” and “what is the status of women in Islam”. Let’s stop beating around the bush and get to the first things first!

Remember, always keep the main thing, the main thing: our most important and basic fundamentals are: Tawheed, Aakhirat and Risaalat.

Three small booklets which describe the meaning and message of Islam in a clear, concise and excellent manner are: (write me an email and I shall InshaAllah mail you these three concise pdfs).

These three booklets complement each other, and are 'must-read' books. Please compare your initial written response with the knowledge that you derive from these small books. You will benefit from the knowledge that these books offer on this basic issue. And you will be better prepared for Dawah opportunities that arise.

How to Give Shahadah in 10 minutes:




Obaidullah NewJoy


(No Copyrights)

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